SBA Email Booster Shots™ Booster #465
Small Business Advisors Ltd.

Achievement. We live in a world where achievement is seen to be a critical measurement of success. This is particularly evident if you are measuring corporate results or personal incomes or net worth. I believe there are more important measures. Our family has had a very special event this past weekend. My brother and his wife celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! This is the second in our family as our parents celebrated such an event many years ago. This provides a great opportunity to have a family reunion and remember wonderful memories from our lives as a family as well as the many things that we all have experienced. Most importantly to see the younger generation, as young as five, be included as part of the fun. We also had another milestone this past week. Karen’s daughter, Becky, set a goal last fall to run a marathon on May 19, 2013. She did that and achieved something special – meeting a goal and making the family very proud of her accomplishment. This is real achievement and a reminder to all of us just how great our family and our friends are as to us as we make our journey through life. Events such as this certainly can change your perspective on want matters the most.

" Good family life is never an accident but always an achievement by those who share it. "

- James H.S. Bossard

If you wish to see articles on small business visit the FLIPBOARD App on your phone and look for the magazine – Bermuda Business Coach.

If you have or know a person with diabetes look at the magazine My Diabetes Life.

Phone: (441) 238-1682
Fax: (441) 238-1674

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