SBA Email Booster Shots™ Booster #419
Small Business Advisors Ltd.

Flexibility. We have all heard of the saying that “if you keep doing something the same way you will still get the same results!” Old habits can die hard but it is critical when we are in difficult or awkward situations that we be flexible in our approach and identify new ways of addressing the challenges we face. Being flexible means opening your mind to new ideas and developing new skills to create a way to the other side of the challenges. Developing flexibility opens new doors and creates new opportunities. Start today to use a flexible approach is addressing the issues in your business and your life.

" Giving of yourself, learning to be tolerant, giving recognition and approval to others, remaining flexible enough to mature and learn - yields happiness, harmony, contentment and productivity. These are the qualities of a rich life, the bounteous harvest of getting along with people.

- Jack C Yewell

Phone: (441) 238-1682
Fax: (441) 238-1674

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