SBA Email Booster Shots™ Booster #319
Small Business Advisors Ltd.

Summertime. The long awaited summer season begins today. As children we wait for this time (usually as school is out) and hope it will last forever. We wait so long for it to come and then, it seems as though in a flash, it is over! As adults we have learned that each season provides opportunities and the challenge is to make good use of this time with family and friends and to enjoy the longer evenings and warmer weather. Take advantage of this time to recharge yourself and to appreciate what you have and the opportunity to share many great times over the next three months. May your summer be invigorating and full of fun and friends.

"As for me, I know nothing else but miracles, Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan, Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky, Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge of the water, Or stand under the trees in the woods, Or talk by day with any one I love, Or sleep in bed at night with any one I love, Or watch honey bees busy around the hive of a summer forenoon... Or the wonderfulness of the sundown, Or of stars shining so quiet and bright, Or the exquisite delicate thin curve of the new moon in spring... What stranger miracles are there?"

- Walt Whitman

Phone: (441) 238-1682
Fax: (441) 238-1674

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